Monday, May 3, 2010



I created this blog because I truly believe that a positive attitude can work miracles in life. I have seen it happen in my personal life and with friends.

I am convinced that life is ten percent what happens to me and ninety percent how I choose to react to it.

The remarkable thing is that we have a choice everyday on the attitude that we choose to embrace. Be Positive :)



Dear Lord,

"When we count our many blessings; it isn't hard to see

that life's most valued treasures are the treasures that are free.

For it isn't what we own or buy That signifies our wealth.

It's the special gifts that have no price; our family, friends and health."

~~ Author Unknown ~~

Please bless this journey that I am about to take with family and friends.

I want to become a better person by "looking on the bright side" in tough situations. Help me to stay patient, and trust in your plan. Open my eyes to notice your daily presence in my life.

THANK YOU for Mom, Dad, Dominic, Kili, and Kona. Watch over all my friends in college and help those who are sick. AMEN.

"God is LOVE" - 1 John 4:8